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Strong Rooted Volume 1:Issue 9-Coretta Scott King July 6, 2017

We must know where we come from in order to get to where we want to go. Never forget your roots.

What about Coretta Scott King? Was she just a woman married to a man who had a dream?  Or Could it be possible that she was a visionary that created her own scene?  What of a woman who was willing to march beside her man? Let the world know about the power of the people; yes, we can. How about her swag? Sophisticated, jazzy, classy with a little bit of sexy thrown in. What a lady…first. Thank you to our Queen.  Mrs. Coretta Scott King.

Born April 27, 1927, Coretta Scott was going to change the world. It all began in 1945 when Scott graduated and served as the Valedictorian of her high school class. Studying music and violin, Scott graduated from Antioch College with a Bachelor’s degree in music and education and would later earn a second Bachelor’s degree from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston.  In 1953 Scott married and became Coretta Scott King and the first lady of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.

After the death of her husband, King went on to found the Center for Nonviolent Social Change, and she continued her work as a Civil Rights Activist.

As a young Black woman, I was always intrigued by Mrs. King.  I was always looking for her in the pictures.  I wanted to know more about her.  There is so much that we don’t know about her, and so much that I am sure she endured. We know what she gave and what she lost. We know where she stood socially and morally.  We had walking legends, and one by one, we lose them. I am interested in knowing her deepest thoughts and fears and how she overcame them.  I know she did because I can now Google her picture whenever I feel like it.  I can see her smiling or crying, standing still or marching, but what I can’t do is ask her, “what were you feeling at this moment?  How did you find the strength to do that?

I challenge you to find an elder and ask the important questions, the hard questions, the unanswered questions.

“Struggle is a never-ending process.  Freedom is never really won; you earn it and win it in every generation.” Coretta Scott King

Thank you, Mrs. King, for what we can never repay.

Reference: How Coretta Scott King Kept Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Legacy & More Causes Alive: PeopleTV. (2020, January 23). Retrieved January 05, 2021, from

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